5. Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat 2024
Our Team was invited to the Collegium Glashütten last week, by the’ Frankfurt Cancer Institute’ (FCI), the ‘Deutsches Konsortium für translationale Krebsforschung’ (DKTK) and the ‘Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum’ (MSNZ) to be part of the fifth Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat. The two day retreat was packed with insightful contributions about various cancer types, to which our group contributed particularly on day 2 during the AML session. Presentation about our latest findings were given by Prof. Klusmann, followed by junior research group leaders Dr. Marit Vermunt and Dr. Hannah Uckelmann. The talks were supported this year by a total of seven posters presented by our Phd students.