1.5 Mio € research funding awarded to Marit and Hannah


Joining the list of members of the Max-Eder-Nachwuchsgruppenprogramm are Marit and Hannah. A program by the Deutschekrebshilfe, designed to support young doctors and scientist, in starting their journey as junior group leaders. Both of our newest group leaders were just awarded a total sum of 1.5 mio € to support their research on myeloid leukemia. Find out more about their research aims on their personal pages or find further articles at:

hessenschau.de (2024). Millionen-Förderung für Leukämie-Forschung in Frankfurt. Hessenschau. Available at: https://www.hessenschau.de/gesellschaft/millionen-foerderung-fuer-leukaemie-forschung-in-frankfurt-v1,kurz-forschung-106.html

Bernards (2024).Deutsche Krebshilfe fördert zwei Leukämie-Forscherinnen am Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt mit 1,5 Millionen Euro. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Available at: https://aktuelles.uni-frankfurt.de/forschung/deutsche-krebshilfe-foerdert-zwei-leukaemie-forscherinnen-am-universitaetsklinikum-frankfurt-mit-15-millionen-euro/

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