RMCR 2023

From left to right: Leah Schüler, Anna-Lena Schmell, Stephanie Laszig and Sònia Cases i Palau presenting their work at the annual Rhein Main Cancer Retreat.

4. Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat 2023

Our Team was invited to the Collegium Glashütten last week, by ‘LOEWE-Zentrum Frankfurt Cancer Institute’ (FCI), the ‘Deutsches Konsortium für translationale Krebsforschung’ (DKTK) and the ‘Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum’ (MSNZ) to be part of the fourth Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat. On the first day we heard a presentation about our most recent publication from Prof. Klusmann. Other presentations included a talk by Dr. Marit Vermunt and a talk by our newest memeber Dr. Hannah Uckelmann. Leah, Anna-Lena and Stephanie each presented their projects as posters on day 1, supported by Anna-Lena’s Flashtalk to a highly motivated crowd of about 200 scientist. And last but not least, on day 2 Konstantin gave a well received presentation about his work on fusion genes.

Pictures taken by:

Jens Braune del Angel | Business Photography, web: https://www.jens-braune.de

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