Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat 2024
At this years 5th Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat in Glasshütte the leukemia research group contributed with three outstanding talks by our group leaders, which were accompanied by a total of seven posters.
At this years 5th Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat in Glasshütte the leukemia research group contributed with three outstanding talks by our group leaders, which were accompanied by a total of seven posters.
Welcoming us and international experts the UCT, FCI and the DKTK with their cutting edge conference about cancer research. Filled with exiting talks and posters, held at the Westend Campus of the Goethe-University.
Our research group being represented at EHA 2024 with three presentations and two posters, sharing our work on pediatric leukemia.
Like every year the leukemia research group makes it way to the north of Germany for the annual Kind-Phillip-Meeting for an insightful conference about pediatric cancers.
The lab members made their way to the dkfz in Heidelberg to take part in the 11th International Symposium on Stem Cell and Cancer to present their latest work.
Last week, the members of the leukemia research group made their way to Wilsede for the annual Kind-Philip-Meeting. A four day meeting packed with great invited lectures and insightfull presentations.
Konstantin presents a talk about his project progress at the 4th Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat. Other representatives of AG Klusmann were Leah, Anna-Lena and Stephanie presenting respective posters.